Reading time: 5 min and KOINNO’s collaborative approach to innovative procurement


At, we understand the challenges that startups face in getting orders from major players in different sectors. That’s why we have been partnering with KOINNO, the Competence Center for Innovative Procurement as part of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Our goal is to promote innovative procurement and help startups get providers for public authorities.

In this article, we will discuss how we are committed to aligning with procurement laws and working closely with KOINNO to further promote this important topic and help startups connect with providers for public authorities.

KOINNO’s mission

Our partnership with KOINNO has been ongoing. Recently, we had the pleasure of hearing from Peter Schlösser, Project Manager at KOINNO, at the HANNOVER MESSE.

Peter explained KOINNO’s mission, stating that it was founded in 2013 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It is supposed to implement innovation-oriented procurement within the public sector. KOINNO’s primary goal is to encourage public sector buyers to explore new avenues and broaden their horizons.

They offer free consultations, services, training, webinars, team days, and case studies to promote and encourage innovation in public procurement.

KOINNO also supports young companies by providing a platform to market their solutions and connect with organizations seeking their expertise: the KOINNOvationsplatz. Peter elaborated on KOINNO’s latest efforts to better connect startups with public sector buyers, stating,

„We recently received a new mandate to facilitate engagement between startups and public buyers more easily. Often, public buyers do not have the time to explore the market, meaning that while they may be willing to invest in innovative services and products, they lack the resources to do so. To address this issue, we have been developing an online marketplace where startups can showcase their offerings, and buyers can post challenges that startups can respond to with their proposed solutions.“

Revolutionizing public procurement for startups

This is where comes in. We share KOINNO’s mission and are dedicated to helping startups secure orders from major players. Emphasizing compliance with procurement laws throughout the process is vital for nurturing a lasting working relationship between companies and startups.

Our track record demonstrates our ability to meet the private industry’s requirements successfully. By collaborating with KOINNO, we’re taking things a step further by helping startups connect with public sector buyers with ease. This partnership represents a stride towards fostering innovation and establishing a fair playing field for startups in public procurement.

The collaboration between and KOINNO is crucial to achieving our mission of helping startups succeed. We are thrilled to work with them to promote innovative procurement and facilitate collaborations between startups and public buyers. Together, we can make a real difference in promoting innovation in public procurement and helping startups succeed.



Jessica Mantel


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