Fraunhofer IGD
As part of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IGD is developing software solutions in visual computing. They gave a challenge for at EuroTier/ Energy Decentral.
As part of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IGD is developing software solutions in visual computing. They gave a challenge for at EuroTier/ Energy Decentral.
With them being responsible for the German highway network of 13.000 km, they pave the way for innovative mobility solutions and sponsored one mobilitython challenge at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022.
The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport assumed patronage for the mobilitython at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022.
With DLG as cooperation partner, the organizes the for EuroTier and Agritechnica.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture took over the patronage for the at EuroTier/ Energy Decentral 2022.
German transmission system operator TransnetBW took part in the Enerthon 2021, 2022 and the 2023 hosted by Their final conclusion on the developer sprint: a complete success!
CoVerified won the Enerthon challenge by TransnetBW and the with a huge success following.
Max Brüggemann won the powercloud speed hackathon 2022 and made second place in the Elia Group hackathon.